Mgr. Lukas Sin, PhD.

Mgr. Lukas Sin, PhD.



Anthropologist. Archaeological Centre Olomouc. Ph.D. in Anthropology, Masaryk University. Socrates/Erasmus Programme stay at Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław, Poland. Summer School of Archaeology stay at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.


The aim of his research is to test the hypothesis about establishing of the existence of stable adaptive mechanisms applied in the past communities, such as settlement and subsistence strategies and their reflection in the design of the funeral rite. This deals with the reconstruction of the life of particular people or small defined groups living in the past just on the basis of archaeological and anthropological sources. This thesis belongs to the reach of the Archaeological Anthropology. The purpose of the archaeological anthropology is the description of material sources not only in terms of finding contexts, their description and archaeological chronology, but also the reconstruction of the ways of life of specific people and companies in the past. First step of the thesis rests on the studying of written sources.





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