Author: Správa webu

Archaeozoology or zooarchaeology is a scientific discipline studying faunal remains from archaeological sites, such as bones and teeth of vertebrata, mollusc shells etc. The aim of this discipline is to study developments of the relationships between humans and animals...

Xylotomical and anthracological analysis makes use of anatomical determination of wood fragments. The xylotomical analysis is focused on uncharred wood fragments (water preserved, mineralized or metal incrusted wood), whereas the anthracological analysis deals with charred wood fragments, e.g. charcoal...

Pollen grains are male plant cells for sexual reproduction and transfer of genetic information. Their size is since 15 to 200 μm. Spores of ferns, mosses and horsetail are different and their role in reproduction is different. Plants produce huge amount of pollen grains, which are...

Anthropological analyses of human bones consist of a field part and a laboratory part. Field anthropological analyses include evaluation of so-called positional transformations, which enable a reconstruction of primary burial position or at least a detection, whether a body was deposited in a primary hollow...

Since 1865, when a British antiquarian John Lubbock in his book called Pre-historic Times divided the Stone Age into older Palaeolithic and Younger Neolithic, the lithic knapped industry has been conceived as one of the key sources of our knowledge about the material culture, which...